Training Programs

Transform your fitness with our specialized training programs. Each program is carefully designed to help you achieve specific goals and improve your overall health.

Girl Power

Girl Power

4 weeks 3 sessions/week $40

Girl power is a program inspired by my wife who has a few ambitions I think most girls could relate to: do a pull up, crush push ups, and have a pleasant rear end. This program is specifically designed to help you accomplish these things by prioritizing the frequency of training the relevant muscle groups that aid in strengthening the upper body and building muscle tissue in the lower body.

Equipment needed:

Standard gym equipment (dumbbells, cable machines, weight benches, etc.)

Pull Down 3×12 • Bar Hang 3x15s/25s/35s • DB Deadbug Pullover 3×12 • Goblet Squat 3×5 (6s eccentric) • Leg Press – High Feet 3×12 • Seated Ball Groin Squeeze 3x60s • Overhead DB Press 3×7/6/5 • DB Lateral Raise 3×9/11/13 • DB Side Bend 3x10ea
Older Boulder

Older Boulder

10 weeks 4-5 sessions/week $100

This program is for the seasoned individual who is deciding to begin living a healthy life under the mantra, "better late than never." This program will slowly and gradually build the capacity of the body to handle greater stressors. It is meant for someone who has not had a significant history of exercise to prepare their body for more strenuous forms of resistance training and cardiovascular exercise.

Equipment needed:

Light dumbbells, everyday furniture items like chairs, couches, ottomans, etc., (it is helpful if you have a door frame pull up bar!)

Ready for ANYTHING

Ready for ANYTHING

3 weeks 4 sessions/week $50

Ready for ANYTHING is designed for the man or woman who’s tired of settling for programs that only scratch the surface. Maybe you’ve dabbled in strength training, dived into cardio, or tried niche routines that promised results—but none of it truly felt complete. You don’t want to chase just one goal. You want it all. This program is for those who crave versatility—the ability to crush any challenge, whether it’s keeping up with your kids, dominating on the field, or simply thriving in the unpredictable twists and turns of life. Ready for ANYTHING isn’t about ticking one box. It’s about building a body—and a mindset—that can handle whatever life throws your way. Be prepared. Stay prepared. With this program, you’ll become the person who’s always ready for the next adventure, the next challenge, the next anything.

Equipment needed:

Standard gym equipment (dumbbells, barbells, benches, medicine balls, cardio equipment)

HEAT IT UP Jump Rope - 5x30s if no jump rope - do calf jumps 45 Degree Back Extension - 5x10 should warm up low back too Inchworm Walkouts - 5x5 work on hamstring mobility HORSE POWER DB Step Up Jumps - 3x5ea. light enough to still pop off bench Skater Jumps - 3x5ea. go fast - but stick each rep Rainbow Slams - 3x5ea. use your core - not just arms OX STRENGTH Deadlift Variation - 3x5/1x8 set of 8 at last set of 5 weight Cossack Squat Progression - 3x5ea. work on getting better each week Assisted Reverse Nordic - 3x8 gradually less weight help RESILIENCY Split Stance DB RDL - 2x12ea. hips back, hamstrings stretch Copenhagen Plank - 2x30-60s ea. progress if 60s 1/2 Kneeling Cable Rotation - 2x8ea. 4s slow return, 2s pause GRIT Rear Foot Elevated Lunge Hold - 90s ea. keep hips up high to the sky Stability Ball/Slider Body Saw - 30s work on bigger movement

Ready to Transform Your Life?

Let's discuss which program best fits your goals and create a plan for your success.